The D in Longevity
Vitamin D has been a hot topic that past couple of years. Doctors and nutritionists are recommending large doses of this previously ignored vitamin. So let’s look at why and how much is enough. The […]
Vitamin D has been a hot topic that past couple of years. Doctors and nutritionists are recommending large doses of this previously ignored vitamin. So let’s look at why and how much is enough. The […]
I recently read an article touting the correlation between leg strength and longevity. This was something new out there and finally something that supported a long held belief by me. I have always espoused that […]
Exercise – cue the groaning. Most people don’t like even the thought of “exercise” regardless of how many times doctors, health “experts”, and all those fitness ads bombard us with the necessity of it. Exercise, […]
Longevity is a subject of increasing concern as we grow older. We see the dancing centurion on TV or the loving great great grandmother celebrating a milestone birthday with her family and we start wondering […]
Organic/Commercial Strawberries rate the highest on the dirty list for pesticides. Buy organic or locally sourced where you know what type of farming practices are used. Nutrition They are excellent antioxidants due to their high […]
Organic/Commercial Raspberries fall in the middle for pesticide residue testing. Organic is best, but if not it is recommended that they are washed with produce wash before eating. Nutrition They are excellent antioxidants due to […]